Do you take the help of “Internet Doctor” for your every disease?

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Do you take the help of “Internet Doctor” for your every disease?

Do you take the help of “Internet Doctor” for your every disease?

It is very easy to get any kind of information on the internet. This is the reason why many people, especially women, not only take the help of the internet to know about any disease or its treatment, they also rely on it. However, due to this, misunderstandings arise and there is a fear of the disease increasing

As the hair is falling out, I started looking for its cure on the internet. Out of breath, started looking for information about it on the internet. World wide information can be obtained through internet. It is very easy to get any kind of information on it. This is the reason why many people, especially women, not only take the help of the internet to know about any disease or its treatment, they also rely on it. However, due to this, misunderstandings arise and there is a risk of the disease progressing, until the disease takes a serious condition. A woman was unwell, they got tested, it was found that she had breast cancer. Then he started reading information about it on the internet, due to which many things started circulating in his mind. She was horrified by reading about cancer treatment and refused chemotherapy. Then he was counseled for several days. After that she agreed to the treatment. Well, due to timely treatment, she recovered. If the information on the internet had not been trusted and the treatment had not been done, it was quite possible that the present situation would have been different.
Understand the situation with an example
You feel pain in the lower left side of the abdomen in the middle of the night. You get up and walk around but the pain doesn’t go away. You search the Internet by typing in symbols. Many websites will say it can be caused by constipation or diverticulitis or kidney stones or bladder infections, gas, etc. Your attention turns to serious illness. After that, pressure is felt on the mind. She tries to sleep again but does not sleep

In some cases, the patient searches for information about his condition and symptoms on the Internet and then consults a doctor. He often asks baseless questions based on what he reads. If the doctor has prescribed medicines, after researching them on the internet, he asks, “If this medicine is for another complaint, why was it given to me?” However, the fact that a drug can aid in treatment in many ways is well known to experienced physicians.
The internet doesn’t know the whole story
The websites lack information about the patient’s medical history and other symptoms, which are essential for accurate diagnosis. Diabetes and heart diseases are especially common in India. In such a situation, wrong diagnosis can worsen the patient’s condition.
Play with your health
Headaches and dehydration can be symptoms of fatigue and in severe cases can even lead to cancer. So it becomes almost impossible for a common man to get a correct diagnosis of his disease by reading on the internet. Sometimes a serious illness is ignored or in some cases one starts worrying about a serious illness unnecessarily.

Only experts can tell right. It has also come to light that after taking the test, people try to understand the results with the help of the internet. They don’t even consider it necessary to consult experts. As soon as the blood report comes in, people start searching the Internet and try to understand the meaning of their parameters like blood glucose, cholesterol and liver enzymes. However, these parameters can be related to many factors. Only a trained doctor can read the report and draw the correct conclusion. Elevated blood sugar levels are not necessarily a sign of diabetes. It can be caused by eating habits, stress and even some medications. Only a doctor can give a final opinion about your report as he reviews your family history, current condition and all the symptoms. Therefore, correct diagnosis cannot be made only by looking at the parameters given in the report.
A few things worth noting
-Don’t believe claims like quick fix, problem gone in two days or two weeks, home remedies cure.

  • There can be multiple reasons behind a symptom so don’t jump to conclusions by searching the internet but consult a family doctor.
  • Take help of authentic websites to get information related to minor illness or fitness.
    -Don’t ignore your illness.

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